American Society of Law, Medicine, and Ethics
1st Annual Anti-Racism Student Writing Competition
The American Society of Law, Medicine, and Ethics is pleased to announce its 1st Annual Anti-Racism Student Writing Competition with the goal of encouraging graduate students to develop scholarly papers focused on issues at the intersection between race and law, medicine, health, science, technology, and ethics, addressing a range of issues, both current and historical. To align with a special issue of the Journal of Law, Medicine, & Ethics slated for publication in early Spring 2022, this year’s competition theme is “Health Law and Anti-Racism.” A non-exhaustive list of potential paper topics might include:
- Legal causes of and responses to health disparities, including in the COVID-19 pandemic and more broadly
- Racism as a public health law concern
- Law, disability, and race
- Regulating science and medicine through an antiracist lens
- Medico-legal partnerships to combat the health effects of racism
- Legal responses to racism in the health care system, experienced by both patients and providers
- Policing and mental health law
- Law, medical research, and racial bias
- Environmental racism, health, and law
- Maternal mortality
- Social determinants of health
- Lessons from COVID-19
- Anti-racism approaches to teaching and learning health law and related topics
- The limits of health law in responding to racism
- Historical perspectives on health law and race
- International perspectives on health law and race
Current graduate students in any field are invited to participate; ASLME membership is not required. Co-authored submissions are welcome (up to 3 co-authors), provided all co-authors are individually eligible.
Papers should be between 15-20 double-spaced pages, including references (endnotes, not footnotes), and should include an abstract of no more than 250 words. Submissions may be adapted from papers submitted for course credit and will be judged on the basis of their originality, relevance, clarity, and potential for scholarly impact.
The winning paper(s) will be invited for publication in the special issue of the Journal of Law, Medicine, & Ethics on Health Law and Anti-Racism, if not already slated for publication elsewhere. Papers may be required to undertake edits prior to publication. The 1st Prize winner(s) will also be provided with a 1-year ASLME membership and a prize of $500.
To participate: Please submit your paper and abstract (in one file), as well as a resume/CV for all authors, by June 1, 2021 to Holly Fernandez Lynch at with the subject line reading “ASLME Writing Competition.”