Expanding to the Biopsychosocial-Spiritual Model to Promote Whole Person Care and Health Equity
Lucille M. Torres-Deas (MD) and Linda S. Golding (MA, BCC)

Being ethical includes doing right by those in your care, but how? Being responsive, is that about returning calls in a timely fashion? And accountable, a word that can imply justifying actions or decisions, but what else can it mean?
The contemporary practice of medicine acknowledges the powerful interactions of the body and the mind in the service of healing. This workshop proposes there is another dimension to consider, one that responds to non-medical interventions while supporting healing. That is the spiritual aspect of the person in front of us – the part of the person that seeks meaning and purpose, that looks to connect with others, that is hopeful in the face of challenges, that is the core of the person’s being.
This interactive workshop will demonstrate how every member of the medical team is a spiritual generalist. Attendees will learn to employ an evidence-based methodology to assess the spiritual aspects and concerns of a person, how to discuss and collaborate with the spiritual care expert on your team, ways in which to include the spiritual aspects in interdisciplinary learning and expertise in decision-making and health care delivery.
0:00 – 0:05 Introduction
0:05 – 0:20 Didactic
i. Discuss the concepts of biopsychosocial-spiritual model, spirituality
ii. Review an evidence-based spiritual assessment tool developed by Dr. Christina Puchalski – FICA
iii. Applying international/national guidelines into patient care plan
0:20 – 0:40 Patient Testimonial, followed by brief Q&A
0:40 – 0:60 Small Group Breakout exploring 2 patient cases and discussing how to integrate in to care as interprofessional team members
0:60 – 0:70 Large Group Debrief
0:70 – 0:75 Q&A