Reframing Bias Using Narrative Medicine Methods
Derek McCracken (MS, MA) and Jocelyn Brown (MD, MPH)

In this interactive and creative workshop, participants will learn and use narrative medicine methods aligned with the three movements of attention, representation and affiliation to explore bias in healthcare (individual, dyadic, and institutional). We will close read a short piece of literature to familiarize ourselves with form, voice, tone, theme, metaphor and meaning. We will then engage in a facilitated group discussion of privilege and perspective, and do a 5-minute short writing exercise to a reflective prompt. Next, we will engage in a collaborative sharing exercise to identify what we saw, heard and felt in each other’s writing. Ultimately, we will unpack our individual and collective stories, recognizing our own perspectives as well as thoIn this interactive and creative workshop, participants will learn and use narrative medicine methods aligned with the three movements of attention, representation and affiliation to explore bias in healthcare (individual, dyadic, and institutional). We will close read a short piece of literature to familiarize ourselves with form, voice, tone, theme, metaphor and meaning. We will then engage in a facilitated group discussion of privilege and perspective, and do a 5-minute short writing exercise to a reflective prompt. Next, we will engage in a collaborative sharing exercise to identify what we saw, heard and felt in each other’s writing. Ultimately, we will unpack our individual and collective stories, recognizing our own perspectives as well as those of others.