Call for Late-breaking Abstracts
ELSIcon2022 welcomes the submission of late-breaking abstracts by March 30, 2022.
- Late-breaking abstracts should highlight novel and substantive studies of high impact. The late-breaking abstract deadline is intended to capture abstracts with ground-breaking and novel data that otherwise could not be presented at the meeting.
- The selection process will be highly competitive; no more than six to ten abstracts will be selected for a paper or panel presentation in late-breaking abstracts sessions.
Guidelines for Late-breaking Submissions
- The submission deadline is 11:59 PM EST, Wednesday, March 30, 2022
- All proposals are to be submitted online via Ex Ordo.
- Once you are logged into Ex Ordo, click on "Submissions" in the top menu, go to "Initial Submissions," and then click on "+ New Submission".
- You will be informed of your proposal's status by April 20, 2022
- ELSIcon has a two-submission rule. You cannot be included as a presenter in more than two abstracts. If you or anyone in your proposal are already presenting twice, please do not submit a late-breaking abstract.
- All accepted presenters and co-authors will be required to include financial disclosure information in their presentations.
- All accepted presenters will be asked to abide by the Code of Conduct.
- Questions? Email Visit online at
Content for Online Submission in Ex Ordo
Format: From the dropdown menu, select your choice of format:
- Late-breaking Panel
- Late-breaking Paper
Title and Abstract: Describe the content of your presentation or nature of your study. For papers do not exceed 250 words. For panel submissions fill in the title and up to the first 250 words of your abstract. You will be able to upload a complete abstract of up to 1000 words with title and no other identifiers as a PDF later in the submission.
Author Information:
- Add the email address and name of person submitting the proposal, with affiliation; country; discipline or field; academic level, and credentials.
- For proposals with co-authors and/or multiple presenters, include the following information for each author: email address; name; affiliation; country; discipline or field; academic level, credentials, and role if a presenting author.
- Biography: Please add a 150-word bio for each presenter.
Topics: From the dropdown menu, choose up to three topic areas.
Demographics: Please enter requested demographic information
Keywords: Add up to three descriptive keywords for your abstract.
Panel submissions: Attach a PDF of up to 1000 words with title and description and no identifiers. (Please note that these are for panel submissions only. PDFs submitted for paper or poster abstracts will not be reviewed.)
Format Descriptions
Late-breaking Panel (60-minute session)
- The ideal panel session provides a variety of perspectives on a cohesive theme or includes presentations that are cross-disciplinary and build on one another. Panels are limited to a maximum of 4 presenters, including one designated as moderator. At least 20 minutes should be reserved for questions and discussion from the audience.
Late-breaking Paper (60-minute session for 3 papers)
- Each presenter will have 15 minutes to present a work-in-progress or recently published paper followed by 5 minutes for questions from the audience. The presenters will be scheduled in groups of three by topic.
Review and Notification
- All abstracts will receive doubled-blind review by three reviewers from institutions unaffiliated with the proposal.
- Only complete, online submissions will be reviewed.
- You will receive notification of your proposal's status by April 20, 2022.