Code of Conduct, Conflict of Interest, & Social Media Policies
Commitment to Professionalism and Integrity

Registrants for ELSI Congresses agree to abide by the following statements.
The ELSI community of scholars has attempted to nurture an academic culture that embraces the importance of diversity, supports the mentorship of young scholars, cultivates the value of interdisciplinarity, exemplifies intellectual and ethical integrity, and respects differences of opinion and perspective. With that academic culture in mind, the organizers and hosts of ELSIcon2022 are committed to providing a safe and productive meeting environment that fosters open dialogue and the exchange of scientific ideas, promotes equal opportunities and treatment for all participants, and is free of harassment and discrimination. All participants are expected to treat others with respect and consideration, follow venue rules, and alert organizers, staff or security of any dangerous situations or anyone in distress. Speakers are expected to uphold standards of scientific integrity and professional ethics. The ELSIcon2022 organizers recognize that there are areas of science that are controversial. ELSIcon2022 can serve as an effective forum to consider and debate science-relevant viewpoints in an orderly, respectful, and fair manner. These considerations apply to all attendees, speakers, exhibitors, staff, contractors, volunteers, and guests at ELSIcon2022, and apply in both in-person and virtual contexts.
ELSIcon2022 and Columbia University prohibit any form of harassment, be it sexual, physical, or verbal. Harassing behavior includes, but is not limited to, inappropriate or intimidating behavior and language, unwelcome jokes or comments, sustained disruption, unwanted touching or attention, offensive images, photography without permission, and stalking.
Harassment should be reported immediately to ELSIcon2022 organizers or staff by emailing Sanctions may range from verbal warning, to removal from the meeting, to notifying the appropriate authorities at Columbia University, as well as the National Institutes of Health, as supporters of ELSIcon2022.
ELSIcon2022 requires clear disclosures (including a statement on slide or poster presentations) from all presenters regarding any financial holdings, funding sources, or affiliations that might raise questions of bias or be perceived to have potentially influenced presentation content. ELSIcon2022 organizers expect that all speakers, organizers, and moderators are committed to full, forthright, and transparent disclosure of any potential conflicts of interest. The ELSIcon2022 organizers have not prescribed an exhaustive list of potential conflicts; rather, we ask presenters to make a good faith effort to identify any issues that might reasonably be expected to raise conflict-of-interest questions.
ELSIcon2022 aims to encourage presentation of the latest findings by protecting researchers sharing unpublished information and protecting patient privacy. By default, attendees are prohibited from taking photos, videos, or audio recordings of speakers presenting their slides or posters as per the guidelines below. Presenters are requested to announce at the beginning of their presentation whether or not photos, recording and/or sharing of their presentation on social media are permitted during or following their presentation.
ELSIcon2022 attendees and participants are encouraged to participate in social media activities about the conference by using the hashtag #ELSIcon2022. Discussion of general topics, speakers, and presentations is permitted as a way to briefly summarize or highlight material and the conference in general within the following guidelines:
- Taking photos, videos or audiotapes of slides, posters, presenters, or questions and answers are not permitted without explicit permission by the presenter
- Copyright and other intellectual property laws must be followed
- Brief quotes from sessions may be shared unless the speaker explicitly asks that it not be shared (presenters are strongly encouraged to give or withhold permission at the beginning of their session)
- Social media posts cannot imply any kind of endorsement by the ELSI Congress