The ELSI Virtual Forum
June 15-16, 2020, #ELSIvirtual

Thank you to everyone who attended the first ELSI Virtual Forum! With over 1,000 registrants from 46 countries, we're thrilled that this virtual discussion of ELSI issues could engage so many participants from all over the world. We hope you will continue to engage with the Forum by watching recordings of any of the sessions you missed. Recordings are available here.
We understand that the ELSI Virtual Forum did not replace the cancelled ELSIcon2020. We are currently planning the 5th ELSI Congress, scheduled for June 1-3, 2022 and we will be in touch when we have details to share. Keep up to date with news about the ELSI Congress and the Columbia Division of Ethics by joining our mailing list!
Keynote and Plenary Talks
Integrating ELSI and Genomics: Past Present and Future
Polygenic Risk Scores & Behavioral Traits: Interrogating the Science & Ethics
CRISPR and Human Identity: Governing Germline Gene Editing
Ethical Frameworks for Research Collaboration with Indigenous Communities
Panel Presentations
Studying America’s Eugenics Era through an ELSI Lens: Data, Context, and Relevance
New Models for Ethical AI in Precision Medicine: Empirical and Normative ELSI Inquiry
Engaging Participants as Partners: ELSI Considerations in Large-Scale Precision Medicine Research
To Catch a Killer: Law Enforcement Uses of DNA Databases