Talk Rx
True-life Stories, By Us, For Us.

Tell your story.
We are inviting medical students, residents, and any clinical staff from any specialty to take part—as speakers and audience members. We are looking for stories that are brave, funny, mysterious, vulnerable, dark, uplifting or otherwise intriguing. Tales about what matters most to you and why.
Talk Rx is an evening dedicated to live storytelling, where real experiences and narratives from the medical field are shared in an intimate and supportive setting. Talk Rx is a chance to create a space for sharing, learning, and experiencing the magic that comes from true stories. Talk Rx offers a platform for personal growth, professional development, and community building among those who are shaping the future of healthcare. Talk Rx was established in 2017 at Stanford University School of Medicine by then medical student, Pablo Romano, MD, and Medicine and Laurel Braitman, PhD. Speakers tell stories live onstage about everything from coming out to conservative parents to #MeToo in medical training, living with traumatic brain injury and mental illness, to winning geography bees, overcoming homelessness, dating in medical school, the death of parents, domestic violence, and much, much more. It has been an important space for students to embrace and honor all parts of themselves, not just those dedicated to medical training.